Presentations for Teens & Young Adults

Elizabeth provides a variety of engaging PowerPoint presentations for students in junior high, high school, youth groups, and college. They can be given in either classroom or assembly settings.


Theology of Dance

from Theology of Dance Presentation
What does swing dancing and respectful intimacy have to do with one another? Elizabeth and Mark will teach you, step by step. This presentation for junior high, high school, or young adults can include a swing dance lesson.

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Bleeding Hands, Weeping Stone

from Bleeding Hands, Weeping Stone Presentation
Teens and young adults can lose interest in their faith. Here’s a topic that can get their attention in a powerful way! A fast-moving, wonderful introduction to Eucharistic miracles, the stigmata, incorrupt bodies, and more, Elizabeth delivers a presentation that is educational and engaging for teens and young adults.

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Why Reconciliation Rocks!

Why is Elizabeth, a convert, so on fire about the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Because God helped her understand the power and grace of this sacrament in an unforgettable way.

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Lourdes: A Place of Miracles

Bernadette Soubirous was only fourteen years old when she encountered Our Lady. Her faith and determination to stand up for what she saw and heard in that grotto is an inspiring witness to young people everywhere.

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Journey in Writing, Journey in Faith

All of us are on a journey, and all of us have a mission in building the Kingdom of God. Elizabeth shares some of her own journey and inspires young people in their journeys as well.

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