Lourdes: Celebrating 150 Years of Miracles
Mary’s apparitions to St. Bernadette continue to nourish the Church today. Published in Columbia, February 2008.
Mary’s apparitions to St. Bernadette continue to nourish the Church today. Published in Columbia, February 2008.
Ave Maria Press, e-Book Available — In an engaging combination of personal memoir and biographical narrative, Elizabeth Ficocelli introduces readers to three remarkable women saints who became not only her role models, but also her life-changing friends.
The story of the reported apparitions of Medjugorje, today’s longest-running supernatural phenomenon and the impact it has had upon millions. Published in Catholic Planet eMagazine, Posted January 2003
from A Journey in Grace: My Conversion Story
The story of how a non-Catholic was inspired to convert and evangelize Catholics of all ages about the richness and beauty of their faith.
Lourdes is not a historical museum commemorating an event from the past, but a vibrant source of physical, spiritual, and emotional healing and conversion for people of all faiths and walks of life.
The miraculous tilma from the apparitions of Guadalupe made a profound statement five hundred years ago. But has its most signifcant message been secretly hidden until today?
The story of my awkwardness with the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how I came to embrace this intimate encounter with God. Published in St. Anthony Messenger, March 2003