Lourdes: Celebrating 150 Years of Miracles
Mary’s apparitions to St. Bernadette continue to nourish the Church today. Published in Columbia, February 2008.
Mary’s apparitions to St. Bernadette continue to nourish the Church today. Published in Columbia, February 2008.
Retreating to a monastery gave this mother of four sons some much-needed peace and quiet. Published in St. Anthony Messenger, October 2005.
Summer family activities are chock-full of potential insights relative to our Catholic spirituality — if we look at them through the eyes of faith. Published in Take out, Family Faith on the Go (OSV), Summer 2007
How we teach our children about First Reconciliation can greatly affect their spiritual welfare — and ours. Published in Catholic Parent, March/April 2005
The true story of a miracle regarding the intercession of St. Therese of Lisieux as experienced through the eyes of our son. Published in Catholic Parent, January/February 2000
What Halloween is and isn’t, and how Catholics can reclaim this pagan holiday. Published in Ligourian, October 2000
Helpful hints we gleaned by observing families whose children were practically saintly during Mass. Published in America, May 6, 2002
The story of the reported apparitions of Medjugorje, today’s longest-running supernatural phenomenon and the impact it has had upon millions. Published in Catholic Planet eMagazine, Posted January 2003
The story of my awkwardness with the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how I came to embrace this intimate encounter with God. Published in St. Anthony Messenger, March 2003
A true story of my life-changing encounter with God’s Divine Mercy. Published in Columbia, April 2004