from Discovering, Living, and Sharing Our Mission
On the first night of this three-part parish mission, Elizabeth will share her own journey and calling to mission, from non-Catholic to enthusiastic Catholic evangelist. This talk has inspired thousands to reflect on how God has been working in their lives and inviting them to go deeper. On the second night, we’ll look at preparing ourselves for our mission, specifically unburdening ourselves from things that may be holding us back and holding us captive. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered this night. On the third night, we’ll discuss concrete ways to come out of Lent as changed people, more transformed to Christ and better prepared to share our special mission. (Note: this parish mission can be adapted to other liturgical times of the year as well.)
Testimonials for Discovering, Living and Sharing our Mission
Thank you so much for coming to Washington, IL, for our parish mission. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit is working through you. I know that you touched a lot of people this weekend. You are truly an instrument of God. Thanks for setting our parish on fire with your presentations!
Fr. Stephen Willard, Pastor, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Washington, IL
I have to tell you I was unenthusiastic at the prospects of attending a mission. As a practicing Catholic I would say I was not looking to be challenged to be more. Not only was I surprised at how much I enjoyed your message, I was blown away by your simple directness. I felt like you had prepared your talks with me in mind. I realized I had fallen into that dangerous place of being comfortable, perhaps even indifferent, about Confession. Believe me I did not leave the mission feeling that way. After your presentation on the Sacrament of Reconciliation nearly everyone in attendance, me included, made their Confession. It was beautiful thing. I am so deeply grateful I had the opportunity to attend your mission. My faith life will never be the same again.
Jim, Largo, FL
Fantastic speaker – so easy to listen to. Wish more people could hear you. You make me want to learn more, pray more, and spread the word. God bless you in what you have done and what you will continue to do!
Carol, Washington, IL
I think the highest endorsement we can give to Elizabeth is that even now, months after the mission, we still have people come up to us and say thank you for bringing this woman to our parish. Her messages resonated something in them that still continues to allow the Holy Spirit to work. And as organizers, that is exactly the outcome we want for our parish family.
Muriel, Washington IL
Pope Francis says one of the great challenges facing the Church in this generation is to foster in all the faithful a sense of personal responsibility for the Church’s mission. Elizabeth Ficocelli does a masterful job of inviting each of us to recognize and use the gifts that God has given us to answer his call and to live out his mission through our lives.
Jody, Emmitsburg, MD
The best mission I’ve ever gone to. Tuesday night on Reconciliation was excellent – it should be taught like that to everyone.
Patricia, Largo, FL

Order your professionally recorded CD’s of all (3) nights of Elizabeth’s Parish Mission, “Discovering, Living, and Sharing Our Mission.”
For orders over a quantity of (5), or for orders outside the U.S., please contact us through our website.