© 2013 The Fruits of Medjugorje by Elizabeth Ficocelli

Stories of True and Lasting Conversion

Paulist Press  | e-Book Available —  More than 30 years after the start of the reported apparitions in Medjugorje, this book looks at the fruits of how people have been responding to the call for prayer, fasting, Reconciliation, Holy Scripture, Mass and the Eucharist. Witness the conversion of twenty-two individuals who have made extraordinary changes in their own lives — and in the lives of others — by putting these messages into practice. Some have been inspired to initiate war relief efforts, homeless shelters, prison ministries, and other apostolates. Others have discovered a calling to the priesthood or the religious life. Before Medjugorje, these people may have been lukewarm Catholics or non-Catholics, even convicts and drug addicts. Since Medjugorje, however, it is a whole different story — a story of true and lasting conversion, and an impressive witness to the good fruit that Medjugorje is bearing in the world today.

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Testimonials for The Fruits of Medjugorje

This is the best Medjugorje book that I have found, after Janice Connell’s Visions of the Children. The book is a collection of stories that trace how Medjugorje affected a number of visitors — including how they were called on the pilgrimage, their experience, and the choices they have made as a result of the trip. Inspiring book and a worthwhile read.

A Reader, New York


The Fruits of Medjugorje is a must read! It proves how lives change once they are touched by God in this village of Medjugorje. I know many of the people listed in the book. I have been to Medjugorje five times and now lead groups there with my own pilgrimage company. I am proud of Elizabeth’s work and highly recommend this book to everyone.

Carolanne K., New York


I enjoyed this book the most of any I have read about Medjugorje. The stories are well edited and really inspire the reader to live Gospa’s messages. This is not just another book about Medjugorje as a phenomenon. It is fascinating to read about how the people profiled have implemented the teachings that changed them and in effect, made them more Christ-like. They have shared their experiences by helping others. I would recommend this book to people who have any interest in Medjugorje, be they old-timers or newcomers.

Missy F.


I read your book The Fruits of Medjugorje and want to say that it was a terrific read. I was really disappointed as the book came to an end knowing that there were no more inspirational stories to tell. I hope that you will do a follow-up volume — there is a minefield of powerful stories out there.

Henry K., Ontario


Elizabeth does not attempt to prove or disprove the Medjugorje apparitions as other books do. Rather she has gone to the hearts of a few of the multitude of people whose lives have been deeply touched and converted by the Lord Jesus while at Medjugorje. The book also shows the incredible love that our Blessed Mother has for us and how powerful her intercession can be. Ultimately whether one believes in the apparitions of our Blessed Mother at Medjugorje or not, this book is filled with inspiring stories of the love of God at work in our world and in the lives of those who seek Him with sincere and open hearts.

Daniel T., Illinois


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