Lourdes: Celebrating 150 Years of Miracles
Mary’s apparitions to St. Bernadette continue to nourish the Church today. Published in Columbia, February 2008.
Mary’s apparitions to St. Bernadette continue to nourish the Church today. Published in Columbia, February 2008.
Paulist Press, Hardcover— Interactive questions and charming illustrations by artist Anne Catharine Blake help bring alive the mysteries of the Rosary and teach children ages 6-8 each Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mystery with scriptural references in kid-friendly language. Pair with a rosary for a wonderful gift.
The story of the reported apparitions of Medjugorje, today’s longest-running supernatural phenomenon and the impact it has had upon millions. Published in Catholic Planet eMagazine, Posted January 2003
What is so important that the Mother of God continues to visit earth with an urgent and consistent message? Learn the answer…
Lourdes is not a historical museum commemorating an event from the past, but a vibrant source of physical, spiritual, and emotional healing and conversion for people of all faiths and walks of life.
The miraculous tilma from the apparitions of Guadalupe made a profound statement five hundred years ago. But has its most signifcant message been secretly hidden until today?
A look at one of the longest-lasting reported apparitions in history and what their messages might offer us in faith walk.
Paulist Press — More than 30 years after the start of the reported apparitions in Medjugorje, this book examines the fruits of Mary’s call for prayer, fasting, Reconciliation, Holy Scripture, Mass and the Eucharist by examining the conversion of twenty-two individuals who have made extraordinary changes in their own lives — and in the lives of others.