Divine Dimension Holds Sway
God works signs and wonders in our lives according to our needs. Evidently, on that day, I needed something pretty significant to get my attention. From that experience, I was finally able to learn how to let go of my sins and truly forgive myself.
Today, when I receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, I no longer drag my feet, focusing only on my sins. Now, I look forward to receiving God’s mercy. Even though I don’t feel it in that same tangible way, I know it’s happening just the same. I look forward to being unburdened, and feeling close to Our Lord once again.
Instead of seeking out priests I don’t know, I can now go comfortably to any of the clergy in my own parish. Each priest has his own style, but the absolution is always the same because it comes from God.
Through the years, I’ve developed a special relationship with one of our priests by making him my primary confessor. This way, he’s better equipped to help me overcome obstacles in my spiritual growth as I live out my vocation as wife and mother.
For me, an adult convert, the Sacrament of Reconciliation has become a way of encountering Christ intimately and meaningfully, second only to receiving Him in the Eucharist. At last, I experience confession the way I believe God has always intended it: as a great gift. Forgive me, Father, for not recognizing this gift sooner.
Elizabeth Ficocelli is a Catholic author of fifteen books for adults and young people, a national speaker, and host of the radio program, “Answering the Call.” For more information, please visit www.elizabethficocelli.com
Published in St. Anthony Messenger, March 2003